Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sellaband Model

BBC covered the business model used by Sellaband to bring artists into market place. In my view, it is similar to kiva or microfinancing of recording artists who would find other ways (usual channels as of today) to fund their recording fees. So far four artists have been funded with this democratized framework. Back where I grew up in Calcutta, during the later half of the past century Durga Puja - the most important festival became a community festival organized by local communities once the costs became prohibitive for individual member to bear all by himself (Not many hers earned money then). People typically contribute as much as they can. When it comes to celebration - and enjoying those 3-4 days of festivity, the community celebrates together. What I have realized that when it comes to feeding our senses of enjoyment and happiness, communities can bind and overcome financial barriers. It will be quite interesting to see how far the Sellband model goes is challenging the existing models run by big recording companies. How will the publicity and advertising be handled. Kudos to BBC for doing that part. This is how a Sellaband artist sounds.

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