Sunday, June 28, 2009

Regulation .... contd.

Justin Fox's article on regulation is an interesting read.  To put FDR on the cover of Time and comparing him with Obama is also a clever take.  Well, one way to check how close they match is to see how mad the Wall Street bankers are following the measures both these Presidents have taken. This article from NY Time makes it clear so far - these lines in particular.  

"Wall Street hated the reforms, of course, but Roosevelt didn’t care. Wall Street and the financial industry had engaged in practices they shouldn’t have, and had helped lead the country into the Great Depression. Those practices had to be stopped. To the president, that’s all that mattered."
......"In terms of the sheer number of proposals, outlined in an 88-page document the administration released on Tuesday, that is undoubtedly true. But in terms of the scope and breadth of the Obama plan — and more important, in terms of its overall effect on Wall Street’s modus operandi — it’s not even close to what Roosevelt accomplished during the Great Depression."

In all seriousness, I am hoping to see more from our President.  

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