Monday, March 10, 2008

Wirec Revisited

I am still trying to digest all that I witnessed and heard at Wirec 2008. Here are few posts that I found quite interesting. There are two quite opposing points that were buzzing in the conference. BP had a pretty big presence. But all their show including sponsoring the tuesday reception were supplemented with the comment from CEO Tony Hayward that -

"Even though clean tech is growing fast, we all need to be honest," he said during a ministerial plenary session. "The scale that the industry is working at today is not going to have much impact."

I don't necessarily disagree with him. Conventional wisdom is consistent with this statement. But - well there was the counterpoint - Vinod Khosla who insisted that the costs have to come down. He presented at the ministerial panel (which I did not attend) - and highlighted how forecasts have been wrong in the past in predicting technology. In other words, if there are enough network externalities, the snowball effect of adoption of new tech generates the critical mass to lower costs of new tech and suddenly breaks all limits that analysts had predicted before.

His presentations are here. Great stuff!

So in a nutshell, my heart is with Khosla while my head still cannot argue against the BP chief.

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