Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Waxman-Markey to take us to 1875?

I can understand positions being taken on matters are debatable as climate change. However, this post was a bit skewed.  To equate that people aspiring for a reduced GHG world is going back to the world described below is non-sensical for lack of better word.

"What, the old DeLorean is up on cinder blocks in the front yard again? In that case you can test drive Waxman-Markey by sailing down to Haiti, because current CO2 emissions are where Waxman-Markey wants America's to be in 2050. Radical environmentalists think such a CO2 level will be heaven on Earth, but the place that has actually achieved it is a nation swimming in bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A and E, typhoid fever, dengue fever and malaria, with 47 percent illiteracy and a life expectancy of 49 years. So excuse me if I remain unconvinced."

I dont know how in world has anyone made a claim that reduction of GHG is going to create a heaven in literal sense.  But the point is interesting in a different way.  The article goes on to claim how bizarre things would be and how our pockets will be run.  My questions is -- Will the costs of electricity increase?  It appears thats what is expected.  If the costs of reducing emissions undertaken by the utility is passed on to the rate payers then what is the incentive for customers to ask the utility to reduce emissions other than pushing legislation through the local congressman.  We know how effective and brisk that process is.  What if the costs are not passed on and it is borne by the holding company similar to how energy trading is handle where a big loss in the wrong trading bet is not passed on to rate payers. Of course, the utility has a point that higher electricity prices will force customers to make a choice whether to continue their NIMBY mindsets for nuclear plants or pay a higher price because the utility has to buy "carbon credits".  Lets see how this unfolds.

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